Data Opportunity Scan

Interested in data & AI? Want to utilise your internal data but don't know yet where to start? Do the data scan and find out this week how to shape your data roadmap.

Become a Data Driven Organization

Evaluate your data opportunities

Learn how to truly be a data driven organization. Find out the best use cases for your data and find out where to start your data roadmap.

Learn how to use dashboards and reports for optimal results.
Advanced Analytics.
Discover which advanced use-cases there are for your data.
Business Challenges.
Learn how data can help tackle the challenges your business is facing.

Find out where to start with AI

Learn about AI use cases

Understand the complex field of AI and learn how you can utilise it.

Automated Decision Making.
Find out if automated decision making could be a key factor for your business.
Generative AI.
Use the power of generative models to optimize processes inside your business.

Establish a Data Roadmap

Build a Data Roadmap for your business

Establish a roadmap and find out where to start with Data & AI. When employing data & AI it is important to start from a solid foundation. We help you start at the beginning and identify the most impactful use-cases for you.

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Expertise in proven technologies

Google Cloud Platform
Microsoft Azure
Apache Spark

“I want to thank the BiteStreams team, and especially Donny Peeters & Maximilian Filtenborg, for delivering our tailored ‘performance analytics solution’ that will add a lot of value to our NextPax customers!”

Erik Engel
CEO, NextPax

Every company comes back for more

All of the companies we work with come back for additional iterations.

Projects delivered
Of actionable insights created per day

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